
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why should I be saved?

I visited the doctor the other day. I have not been feeling well and I've noticed a few abnormalities. So I had an in depth exam and we discussed the results of recent tests that came back 'abnormal'. She also tossed out the phrase...'detected abnormal cell growth'. These are words one doesn't want to hear because inevitably it's followed up with the 'c' word. But my doc says she will call me in 7-10 days to discuss the results of todays exam...two hours of poking...pricking...scraping and clipping. So as I wait to hear my destiny my mind races. I think about my daughter and what will happen to her. And ask a million questions about life and death. And wonder why I was given a child.if I won't be around to raise her if this turns out to be serious. Then I realize people die everyday...I'm not special. Who am I? There are women dying everuday leaving their children behind. There are children dying everyday. There are disasters that wipe out communities. There are diseases and famine that wipe out civilizations. Why should I be saved?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


son of sam said...

You should be saved because you are important to many people and integral in many lives. You can and will beat this. I have faith in you. Always keep in mind that if your body can develop something like this, it can destroy it as well. The mind is a powerful instrument. You will persevere!

I love you.


Nikki Irving-Miralrio said...

Thanks Nick...I am still waiting. I love you.