
Friday, April 29, 2011

May she finally rest in peace...

My grandmother passed last night.  Just two weeks ago my father burried his father's brother.  Now he has to bury his mother.  She had been sick for a long time.  suffering from alzheimer's she knew no one in her family.  It actually comes as a relief to see her go.  she is no longer in pain. 
My father's mom was somewhat of a stern lady.  She wanted to be called Grandma Lewis and that's what we called her.  She played favorites and loved drama.  My fathet gets alot of mannerisms from her and disciplinary techniques.  She loved talk radio and carrot juice.  She had big strong, veiny hands that knew hard work.  And when I was little I witnessed her kill an opossum with a shovel on her back porch.  When I spent the night I was in bed by 7.  The sun was still out.  But usually I would be rescued by my aunt Holly.  Her youngest daughter who is just 5 years my elder.  She coddled my sister Melinda because she was Papa's first daughter.  Even though I was the eldest I was from my mom's first marriage.  It didn't bother me though.  I just remember it well.  On holidays my mom's mother (Grandma Cookie) would sometimes bring her oldest friend with her to dinner...Uncle Charlie.  There was no romance between them but Grandma Lewis would try to make her jealous by flirting with Uncle Charlie and sitting on his lap.  This always amused me and my sisters...good times. 
Thinking back on her now I see alot of Papa in her or vice versa.  His looks and sense of humor even the way she liked to stir things up.  Neither minced words or tolerated sass or back talk.  They use similar phrases.  And like me he was in bed when the sun was still shining and the kids still outside playing when he was a boy.  One time I referred to my grandmother as 'your mother' when talking to my father.  I said it to hurt his feelings or remove myself from the family line or something.  He promptly corrected me.  I always felt bad for doing that. 
Now we will lay Grandma Lewis to rest.  My father will bury his mother.  It will be a difficult day...for him...for his brothers and sisters...for all of us.  Because funerals always remind us of our own mortality and of those close to us.
To Grandma Lewis may she finally rest in peace.

1 comment:

bmo said...

i'm sorry to hear........stay strong