
Monday, November 05, 2012

The last word...

Remember that ten to fifteen seconds I mentioned in a previous post?  You know that fleeting moment after you strap your kid in the car and close the door until you get to the driver door and open it up again.  My alone time.  Well my daughter being the sadist that she is has figured out that her ranting during my fifteen seconds of ‘me time’ is going unnoticed.  So the other night while after stuffing her little kicking and screaming body into her carseat I said to her, “you need to stop whining.”  She yelled her response as I was closing the door, “I’M NOT!” The door slammed and I walked to my side of the car and opened the door to her completed sentence, “WHINING!”
I commended her genius to spoil my moment by waiting for me to open the door.  She did not appreciate the compliment but I’m sure she will remember that it bothered me and do it again in the future.  I closed the door encasing myself in the small black sudan of torture with my tiny evil genius and raced home to cuddle and watch Finding Nemo.  Because that’s what Mommies do.  We get over it. Even though sometimes we don’t get the last word. 

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